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CHEM 273: Atmospheric Chemistry

Spring 2007 - CHEM273 Course Syllabus (PDF ~104KB)

Instructors: Lynn Russell

Lecture: Tu-Th: 2:00p-3:20p. Peterson Hall 103
Discussion Section A01: Mondays 2:00pm - 2:50pm.  Warren Lecture Hall 2115
Discussion Section A02: Wednesdays 4:00pm - 4:50pm. Warren Lecture Hall 2115

Exam Schedule

Midterm 1: 20% (April 26, 2007: 2:00-3:20 pm)
Chem273 Spring07 Midterm I Answer Key *same as 173

Midterm 2: 25% (May 22, 2007: 2:00-3:20 pm)
Chem273 Spring07 Midterm II Answer Key *same as 173

Final Exam: 40% (June 13, 2007: 3-6 pm)
Chem273 Spring07 Final *same as 173

Other (discussion, sections, ): 15%


Chemical principles applied to the study of atmospheres. Atmospheric photochemistry, radical reactions, chemical lifetime determinations, acid rain, greenhouse effects, ozone cycle, and evolution are discussed.

Prerequisites: Chem. 6A-6C or 6AH, 6BH, and 6 CH, or quivalent. (S)

Required Text:

  • Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry - Hobbs