• University of California-San Diego
  • 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0221
  • La Jolla CA 92093-0221 USA
  • Tel: 1-858-534-0000
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SIO 217A: Atmospheric Thermodynamics

Fall 2010 - SIO217A Course Syllabus

Instructor: Lynn Russell; Office: Nierenberg 343; Telephone: 534-4852, Email:

Fall 2010 - SIO217A Course Schedule

Prerequisites: Chem. 6A-6C or 6AH, 6BH, and 6 CH, or quivalent. (S)

Required Text:

  • Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, J. A. Curry & P. J. Webster (1999)

ROAST Term Projects

  1. Assignment and Topics
  2. ROAST Final Papers

Lecture Notes:

  1. Chapter 01
  2. Chapter 02
  3. Chapter 03
  4. Chapter 04
  5. Midterm Review
  6. Midterm Solutions
  7. Chapter 05
  8. Chapter 06
  9. Chapter 07
  10. Chapter 08
  11. Chapter 12
  12. Chapter 13

Reading List:

  1. Stevens et al. 2003 (PDF ~1.2MB)
  2. Roberts and Nenes 2005 (PDF ~1.4MB)
  3. Russell et al. 1998 (PDF ~13.9MB)
  4. Bahadur et al. 2008 (PDF ~0.8MB)
  5. "The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Consensus" (PDF ~0.8MB)
  6. "Will desperate climates call for desperate geoengineering measures?" (PDF ~0.8MB)
  7. Curry and Webster 1999 (Ch 01) (PDF ~2.2MB)
  8. Curry and Webster 1999 (Ch 02) (PDF ~3.3MB)
  9. Curry and Webster 1999 (Errata) (PDF ~536KB)
  10. Kiehl and Trenberth 1997  (PDF ~220KB)
  11. Lindzen and Emanuel 2002  (PDF ~788KB)
  12. Emanuel K. 2005 (Ch 10) (PDF ~6.5MB)
  13. Pruppacher & Klett (Ch 6) (PDF ~2.6MB)
  14. Feynman 1989 (Ch 1-39) (PDF ~2.6MB)
  15. Van Ness 1969 (Ch 2) (PDF ~4.2MB)
  16. Van Ness (Ch 5-7) (PDF ~13.4MB)
  17. "Climate Change" (PDF ~726KB)